Friday, July 23, 2010

How do I...?

I've come to the realization that I don't know enough about writing and publishing. I want to learn more, but I want to learn efficiently.

Every week, I will be asking you (yes, you personally) a question related to your journey as a writer, your advice on how to become a better writer, or possibly random non-writing "How do I..." questions.

Basically, I am looking to pick your brain in order to make my job easier. Sound fair? How about if I promise to share everything I learn, so it'll make your job easier too? Ok, let's go!


How do I find a critique group for my WIP? Would you suggest a large online forum or a small informal gathering?

**Caveat: I live far, far away from any cultural center, and as such am looking for/to create an online crit group.**

Thanks in advance!!


  1. I belong to online critique groups and I love them. If you're a HHRW member, they have a great critique group. And FHL has a list for critique partners, which are awesome.

  2. Not to sound totally ignorant...but what is FHL? I tried to google it and came up with "Fantasy Hockey League" and other unlikely choices... :)

  3. I'm an advocate of critique partnerships. I have two. My first partner I met through the ACFW email loop (American Christian Fiction Writers Association). I was going to the conference and emailed a request for roommates. Jeannie emailed me back. Since we were going to be roomies and wrote the same genre, we thought we'd swap a few chapters and critique each other. We loved each other right away. Both of us, prior to that, had tried critique groups and were finding that we were further ahead in our writing journey than the other members of our groups. So it was a sweet relief to read somebody work and know we were at the same place and could enter into a mutually beneficial relationship. The other critique partner I met through a contest. She was a judge and read my stuff. She's published. Thought I had potential, and offered to mentor me. Of course, I accepted. Now we critique each other's work.

    My advice, don't be afraid to try all different types of things. Don't be afraid to reach out to somebody you've met online and ask if somebody's interested. The worst that can happen is they say they are too busy. Also, chances are you'll go through a lot of critique relationships that don't work before you find the ones that do. It's okay to stop and say, "This isn't working." You want to find somebody who is either at your level or above it in order to get the most benefit.

    Hope that helps!

